I had decided to leave a small review with each series I watch lately, but I have either been lazy or busy and hadn't really done that. Now that I work from home, I usually get in a couple of episodes a day at lunch time, which means I finish a normal length series every couple of weeks give or take a few days. I am three series behind on my reviews, so I am starting with the oldest I completed and moving up to the new, which means I am starting with Full Metal Panic.
Unfortunately, I am starting on a bad note, because to be honest, I really did not like this series that much at all. Sure it has a good premise, and I liked the animation and all, but I really disliked both of the main characters, Sousuke Sagara and Kaname Chidori. Ok, I can dismiss for a good while realism when watching anime, because if you can't you will obviously never enjoy it. While that may be the case, I expect a certain level of realism about the characters interactions and emotions. These two main characters did not provide that for me, especially Sousuke. Yes, I understand he lived a hard life and was sheltered from normal everyday activity and interactions, but at the same time, I felt he was experiencing these throughout the show, but never seemed to learn from them. I really thought that some point he would start acting a little more normal and it just never happened. He was just strange and never changed, which he has motivation to do so with his feelings toward Kaname. Speaking of Kaname, I really didn't like her either. She seems to be popular in the show for no apparent reason, and I really thought she was too aloof because of it.
I could keep going on, but I think I will cut it short at that. I know there were sequels made, and if the price is right, maybe I will give those a go at some point to see if it can redeem itself, but I have to say I am in no hurry. So far this has been the most disappointing anime I have watched in a long time. It probably also doesn't help that I watched it after Fate/Stay, which is one of my favorites. I also feel bad because my wife bought this Blu-ray for me as a Christmas present. She doesn't buy me anime much, and it would not be good for her to know I didn't like it. It wasn't her fault since I asked for it, but I wish I hadn't gotten it this way. Oh well.....

Full Metal Panic Series |